Reproductive Health Program

Health workers of RCDSC, providing health care to a sick baby. This baby was suffering from high fever and stopped to breath.  The health workers provided massive care and also artifical respiratory service and the baby got his life again.

The health workers with the mother of the sick baby after his recovery from the disease


  1. Objectives
  • To provide basic health awareness on reproductive health to the women of Mahottari district
  • To organize the women through promoting savings and credit cooperative promotion.


  1. Duration: July 1 2005
  2. Coverage: Dhirapur, Gonarpura, Matihani, Parsa Paitaili and Mahottari VDCs on Mahottari District
  3. Partner agency: World Neighbor
  4. Current Status: On Going
  5. Major Outcomes Till date
  • In total 90 groups of women savings and credit cooperatives (S/C groups) are formed having 1959members. The S/C groups have developed and implemented savings and loan mobilization policies. RCDSC has distributed Rs 600,000(Six hundred thousand) to the S/C group as seed money.
  • 12 clinics are established and the clinics have been providing basic health services and awareness raising initiatives tot eh villagers.
  • 117 members participated in this training 107 were women and 10 were men.
  • They became aware about the importance and benefits of keeping their surroundings clean.
  • They became aware about the importance of pit latrines.
  • The participants came to know how to install and use pit latrines.
  • 20 women and 24 men learned the skills to use and maintain H/P and P/L.
  • They make a decision to save Rs 5 every month in each group by themselves for the maintenance.
  • The participants of various caste came together to learn about the use of common H/P, thereby increasing cooperation between various dalit and non-dalit castes.
  • A 3-member district coordination committee consisting of 2 partner NGOs and district coordinator has been formed.
  • Quarterly meeting was held at the VDC level to involve the stakeholders in the management and monitoring of the project.
  • On the occasion of Women’s Day on 8thMarch-2005 all the 6 YIC organized various activities. In total there were 450 male and female participants in these actions. The members of the management comittes of YiC actively participated.
  • The VDC level coordination committee sharing meeting was held 4 times once in each quarter in all the 6 VDC, s.
  • The participants were Traditional Birth Attendants (TAB’s), Health Workers, Teachers, VDC Secretaries, and representatives of political parties. The total participants were 38, women-9 and Men-29.
  • Wad Adhykshas, representative of the political parties and Wad health workers have helped to convince the AYs for savings.
  • Knowledge dissemination through the family gatherings was held only twice.
  • There were 2617 total participants, there were 898 females and 1719 male.
  • The parents of the adolescent youths became aware about the RHIYA project.
  • Parents were determined to allow their children’s to participate in the activities of the project and were convinced that savings credit will benefit them.

1-6 series of book lets has been distributed to the group members.

Program area

Dhirapur, Gonarpura, Matihani, Parsa Paitaili and Mahottari VDCs on Mahottari District

Budget Needed

Project Period

July 1 2005 
