Drinking water, Health and Sanitation Campaign

  1. Objectives


  • Providing support to 130 families for constructing 44 pit latrine
  • Awareness raising on health and sanitation in hte community
  • Building linkage with GOs and NGOs at district level to promote health and sanitation related awareness raising activiteis in the distcit.


  1. Duration : November -2006 to December- 2007
  2. Coverage: Simardahi and Dhirapur VDCs of  Mahottari
  3. Partner agency : CCGRO
  4. Current Status : Completed
  5. Major Outcomes
  6. 130 households of poor and excluded group got safe and secured toilet. 130 households of the same group got safe and clean drinking water even in the flood time.
  7. Level of awareness of hte community people in health and sanitation is increased.  Road and public places are neat and clean. As a result, health of the community people is improved.
  8. The women participated in each and every meeting to plan and implement the project at community. There are 40% women in users committees.
  9. There are some constraints to select appropriate place for installation of the water tube well. Because, the clusters were closed and it is difficult to identify appropriate place for hand pump installation and disposal of the wastewater.
  10. Linkage of the community people with district health office, nepal redcross society, Mahottari and district level other NGOs whish helped the people to have access to general health services.

Program area

Budget Needed

Project Period

November -2006 to December- 2007
